Sunday 19 February 2012 website BLOCKED in India


Calcutta High Court has passed an injunction order to all ISP’s and mobile services providers for banning music website Phonographic Performance Ltd, The Indian Music Industry and Sagarika Music Pvt Ltd are seeking a restraint on internet access to download, stream, disseminate, and reproduce copyright music on this site, according to a public notice. The internet service and infrastructure providers who have been directed for this court order include Dishnet Wireless, Reliance WiMax, Hathway Cable & Datacom Pvt Ltd, Hughes Communications India, Tata Tele (Maharastra), Reliance World, Wipro Ltd, Sify Technologies Ltd, Bharti Airtel, Vodafone India, BG Broadband (now You Telecom) in the petition. As per the petition filled by Sagarika Music Pvt Ltd before the high court on 27 Jan, all ISP’s including State run BSNL have been directed to block access to the website by DNS name blocking, IP address blocking via routers and DPI based URL blocking.
This definitely is good news for the music industry and for the whole “anti-piracy” drive. What we do have to wait and see what the implication is on numerous other such websites, in fact also a lot of file sharing websites. Do share your view on this anti-piracy move in India by Comment.


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