Sunday, 15 January 2012

Ericsson ConsumerLab releases consumer’s communication behavior study

Ericsson ConsumerLab has released the leading ten trends in consumer behaviour about ICT products and services in 2011 as revealed by its research amongst 100,000 individuals in more than 40 countries and in above 10 mega cities.
The research revealed the following ten trends:
  1. Internet connectivity has become an essential part of our lives. Consumers say the Internet is one of the last things they would be willing to give up if they had to reduce their expenses.
  2. Everyone can be a service provider. There is a huge demand for new services. The Internet makes it possible for both companies and consumers to invent new solutions, such as apps.
  3. Social media are redefining news reporting by driving consumption pictures, video clips and music which help consumers judge the relevance of news.
  4. Mobile phones play a significant role in everyday life as 90 per cent of all smartphone owners always carry their phones with them.
  5. Transparency has become a key demand – even greater than privacy.
  6. The cloud makes things easy to use, and has hence resulted in more cloud based services.
  7. Women are driving mass market adoption of smartphones with a significant use of regular services like voice calling, SMS and Facebook.
  8. Smartphone usage made shopping easier and 67 per cent of smartphone users are interested in mobile payments in some way or the other.
  9. Mobile data surpassed voice in the fourth quarter of 2009 and was more than double that of voice in the first quarter of 2011. Consumers are increasingly connecting to the Internet and to things around them, such as cars, vending machines, ticket gates and more.
  10. In uncertain times, consumers strive for control. In times of economic instability or when disasters such as earthquakes occur, consumers showed renewed interests in services related to utilities such as water and electricity.


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